Dear Members,
We are delighted to announce that our next Diner Amical will be held at The Grill on the 4th floor of the Capital Club Dubai, located in the center of Dubai International Financial Centre. It takes place on Saturday August 28, 2021 and I’m sure it will be a fantastic evening.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Kind regards,
On behalf of the National Council,
Ian Fairservice
Bailli Delegue – Bailliage des Emirats Arabes Unis
Officier Commandeur
Membre du Conseil d’Administration, Paris
Membre du Conseil Magistral
PO Box 2331 | Dubai | United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 (0)4 4273000 | Fax: +971 (0)4 4282271
e-mail: [email protected]