OMGD Wine Tasting ‘Tour de France’ at the Silver’s Residence, Al Barari, Dubai

Dear OMGD Members, dear Chaine Members,

We think January is an ideal month to host an indoor/outdoor OMGD event – especially as our fellow member Jonathan Silver and his wife, Annie, have graciously offered to again open their beautiful home in Al Barari for this purely old-world ‘Tour de France’ of wines!

We hope many of you will accompany us on this leisurely journey through France for wine connoisseurs.

With kind regards,

On behalf of the National Council

Ian Fairservice

F.R.G.S, M.C.F.A

Bailli Delegue – Bailliage des Emirats Arabes Unis

Officier Commandeur

Membre du Conseil Magistral
PO Box 2331 | Dubai | United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 (0)4 4273000 | Fax: +971 (0)4 4282271
e-mail: [email protected]

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